Livewell Chiropractic and Wellness

Don't Just Live... Live Well

817.485.WELL (9355)

Adrenal Testing

Vitamin and Mineral Micronutrient Testing,  Hurst, TX - Chiropractor Fort Worth - Keller, TX - Southlake, TX

Cold Laser

Complete Vitamin and Mineral Micronutrient Testing

Dr. Ridley will use specialized lab tests to customize your wellness plan. Personalized healthcare is the way to achieve optimal health and prevent chronic disease; these kinds of tests help to better understand each patient’s unique biochemistry.

Nutritional Balance

Nutritional Balance

Nutritional balance is critical for optimal wellness and chronic disease prevention, and also to help manage the aging process. Overwhelming scientific evidence makes clear that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and with the overall condition of our health. But that doesn’t mean vitamins should be taken excessively – as in most things, balance is key. A too-high dose of, for example, vitamin D can disrupt the balance of other vitamins and minerals in the body. At LiveWell, we test 35 nutritional components found in white blood cells, such as vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids. White blood cell analysis gives us the most accurate information about the presence and balance of micronutrients in the body.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ridley at LiveWell Chiropractic and Wellness Center and find out if you are a candidate for treatment with vitamin and mineral micronutrient testing.

Chiropractor Service Areas

Serving Hurst, Colleyville, North Richland Hills, Euless, Bedford, Ft. Worth, Grapevine, Southlake, Keller, Dallas, Mansfield, Arlington & Watauga.


LiveWell Chiropractic & Wellness
749 Lonesome Dove Trail
Hurst, Texas 76054


Office: (817) 485-WELL (9355)
Fax: (817) 427-9355


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